关于Photo Collage Studio
Perform amazing collages and apply to your photos and pictures some of the multiple available features. Ready for you to reach a professional result.
Use photo effects and funny lovely components, to compose a complete collage. It's really easy to use.
48 models ready for you.
20 photo filter effect
More than 35 frames.
40 backgrounds
Able to add personal text
300 available toppings / stickers.
==> infinite results
Ready to share
Available gallery
Ready for download
==> ready to share your photo collages with your friends :-)
1 part
Choose a model.
Add your photos.
Apply at any moment any of the photo filter to any photo
Change the boundary color
Add a background
2 part
Add toppings
Add text
Add frame
Apply at any moment any of the photo filter to the added toppings
3 part
Apply any of the photo filter to your result.
Watch at any time the photo collages that you made in the past through the gallery option and share the results as many time as you want.
Spectacular app to make photo collages that provides you endless possibilities with all images and photos you want to add from your gallery, internet, whatsapp, dropbox or any location you can access from your device.
If you want a different entertainment at your device that allows you to achieve amazing results, here you have. Enjoy with your friends and family.
Enjoy it!