关于Photo Frame Editor
Photo Frame Editor is smooth photo edit application with latest frames.You can enjoy 39
different frames adjust you photo with in the frames .Pick photo from gallery or capture
directly from camera and you are ready to edit your photo with Photo Frames Editor.You
can enjoy HD frames
How to use this application:
- Just pick the image from gallery or directly capture from the camera and enjoy the HD.
frames options in Photo Frames Editor.
- When you select your image on frame double tape your finger on picture and moves finger picture size increase decrease rotate according to you desired.
- Direct Option to choose photo from Gallery or Capture from camera in Photo Frames Editor.
- There are 39 HD frames , choose your loved once in Photo Frames Editor
- There are amazing feature of set your photo with in the frames zooming and move the photo on screen in Photo Frames Editor.
- Eventually you can email your edit picture to your friend.Using Photo Frame Editor you can share you pics with social media.