关于Platinum Crypto Video Poker
Vegas Style Video Poker for your mobile device!
***some features may not be complete until a future update.***
The coins, and tables are all enabled.
The Crypto wallet is under development!
Tokens available for purchase through CounterParty.com , or IndieSquare wallet on Android
Listed as CRYPTOSPORTS , POKERCO, and CRYPTOCOINS tokens on the Bitcoin Decentralized exchange.
**This is not real dollars. Where ever there is a $ symbol , does not denote real currency. It is only a symbol placeholder.
No return on investment is being offered, or guaranteed. It is up to you to keep your wallets safe and your software updated. By downloading you agree we will not be held responsible for anything for any reason.
Play at your own risk.
Finally follow us on twitter @cryptosports for news.
Email cryptosports@gmail.com for support.
Future updates include:
Functioning Crypto Currency Wallet!
New themes, tables, graphics.
Wallet address generation.
10/17 Fixed In-App Purchase Pricing
misc fixes.