关于Play Tube: Go Video Player
Play Tube:Go Video Player智能搜索数百万免费电视,视频或音乐
Play Tube: Go Video Player is a free lite third party client for YouTube and local video player, allows you to easily find and filter great videos and free music in all over of the world or only your country.
Google not allow app enables background playing of YouTube videos, which is a violation of the YouTube API Terms of Service, so sorry for disable this function.
☆ Smart search videos
☆ Search videos & channels
☆ Search YouTube in a specific language
☆View history
☆ Watch YouTube videos
☆ Livestream support
☆ 1080p/2K/4K support
☆Watch videos from a channel
☆ Collection of favorite videos
☆ Listen to YouTube videos background
☆ Watch YouTube videos from a channel
☆ Popup mode (floating player, mini player)
☆ Display general information about a video
☆ music tube for watching free music videos
- Watch your local videos and musics
- Watch your videos in full screen
- Watch your videos in full screen or use the floating popup for multitasking
- Change the size of the floating popup to your needs
- Move the floating popup player wherever you want on the screen
- Switch between DARK or LIGHT mode.
Important NOTE:
1. Play Tube: Go Video Player is using the third-party API source from YouTube. All the free video is provided by Youtube services. And you can search and play the videos on Youtube but youtube video not download.
2. By complying with the API Terms of Use, we do not provide caching and downloading any tracks (not a video downloader)
3. Please use the following link to report any content that may infringe copyrights:
4.Playing music when the screen is off or on the lock screen is not allowed by YouTube terms of use.