关于Play Tube & Video Tube Smart
Pure Video Play Tube is a free and powerful third party client for Tube.
Pure Video Play Tube Tube & Music Tube is a free and powerful third party client for Tube. This app helps you to easily find hot movie videos and music videos.
Pure Video Play Tube & Video Tube for you search videos and channels, play in both full screen or floating popup window mode.
Pure Video Play Tube can search videos, channels and playlists, play music tube and movie tube with full screen or floating popup window which always keeps on top. The floating tube popup player allows you to use your apps while playing Tube music and tube video.
Stream gives you access to all of tube videos and lets you play them in a handy floating popup for a multitasking music listening experience.
Search your favorite artists, create your own playlists, discover new music genres and browse the daily Top Charts of your country, unlimited music streaming!
💎 Ad Blocker - Block Ads for Video
- Block Ads for Video, free premium has collected millions of ad-free videos through AI engine, bringing you the unexpected watching experience
- Ad Guard Video Player, so that you can enjoy ad free experience when watching all the Tube videos
- Ad Blocker for Pop-ups, this pop up blocker also helps block pop-up ads. Turn on ad blocker to remove all kinds of unwanted ads or annoying pop-ups
- Auto skip ads, block adverts and filter all video ads with in-built free ad blocker
💎 Background Video Player
- Allows you to play videos in background, in which way the video will continue to play when you for other social media apps
- Use the Minimize function to fit Tube videos, on a small resizable and movable window in the corner of your screen. Now you can play your favorite game, check your email or perform any other task