Ahhh 未精炼的钚矿石待售!带着温暖的光芒。
With a decent chunk of Plutonium you'll keep a household warm for over 100 years! Or completely melted by the time it takes to read this sentence. It all comes back to the output energy rate of the Plutonium reactor.
Would you like a warm and toasty bath? Perhaps you'd rather to sink into the floor as a molten ooze seeping down into the sewers below? For some that's a best case scenario and with Plutonium you'll have the nuclear energy to back your dreams as they transpire into fruition!
There is no greater milestone to reach for a young civilization than that of nuclear energy. In every case of civilization we've seen, atomic annihilation is the start of something beautiful. It takes most species a few tries before they get the hang of not telling each other what to do and thankfully ol Uranium and Plutonium will always be there to save the day!
Remember to keep it green... with radioactive atomic oblivion!