Pollebud is a pocket toolkit and Australian flower guide for Floral Creatives on the go. It
has been designed specifically for florists to help them with their day-to-day needs.
Need to know what a specific flower is called before you order?
Search, discover & save flowers and foliage in our Flower and Foliage Library. Refine
your search by season, colour and category and save items to your favourites list.
Having trouble costing your arrangements and events to make a profit?
Correctly cost out Events and Arrangements according to wholesale & labour costs,
mark-ups, and other expenses such as food and travel. Save your calculations for future
Need a quick and easy way to send order lists to suppliers?
Build an order list for your preferred supplier and email it straight to their inbox. Save,
share and print for future use.
Home screen now displays cards instead of hexagons