关于Premium Battery Saver
The Premium Battery Saver app is the best app for increasing battery life. It is a very helpful app when our mobile battery is low and we need to save battery.
The premium battery saver app allows you to save your battery in just one click. You have to just turn ON the battery saving mode. By enabling this mode, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Data, Volume, Synchronization and brightness setting will turn off. By disabling this mode, you can enable all these settings as per your need.
Technical details of battery like battery level, technology, health, voltage, charging status and temperature are provided in Battery details. It is very easy to use task killer is provided to speed up your mobile.
You can check the performance of your battery using battery charging/discharging graph. And support is provided if you will find any difficulty with app.
Features :
• Easy Battery Saving ON/OFF mode
• Battery saving controls at one place
• Technical Details about battery are Provided
• Task killer kills tasks to speed up your mobile
• Speed Up Mobile - Shows Available Memory
• Brightness Control
• Bluetooth/Data/Wi-Fi toggle
• Battery charging display
• Battery Charging/Discharging Chart to check performance of your battery
• Battery Charge/Discharge Graph Zoom In/Out