What if YOU believe, you CAN change the world ? What if you believe, you have just scratched the surface of your potential?
With that in mind we built PRIDE. We built it, so you could do what you are capable of. And MORE.
During our parent's time, there was close bonding in joint families, between friends, and among relatives. In every turn, for every need, we had someone to turn to.
That 'turning to' is now replaced by media (television + print + movies), social media (you name it) and nuclear families. You might have 1000s of social media friends, who give 100s of likes to your posts. Yet, when you need someone to ‘TURN TO’, you may feel alone.
This has resulted in three needs.
1) A need to 'turn to' good, smart and dependable people who show you what's possible.
2) A need to interact with jolly, enthusiastic, positive people who inspire you.
3) A need to belong to a larger family where everyone is your cheerleader.
To meet this age's new needs, Life School created this scintillating initiative called "PRIDE".
In the midst of our technologically advanced yet fractured world, PRIDE's Circles, simple and profound, fulfil a range of purposes such as learning, sharing, providing clarity, healing, and bonding.
It is a new model of Leadership, Followership, Fellowship and Contribution.
The idea of PRIDE is bound by Values of Life School. PRIDE is an acronym for
P ublic Good
R espect ( Gratitude )
I nvest in the future
D aring
E njoy
Come on. Join PRIDE.