关于Prophet Shepherd Bushiri
Enlightened Christian Gathering Church (ECG)
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri was a young lad when God appeared to him in a dream.
He was ten years old at the time and did not know who this supernatural being was who stood before him.
In that dream, he found himself in a strange place where he met people, who were glowing.
He recounts, “I was taken to a room where I heard a voice saying, ‘I am the Lord who has called you. I am the only one who can deliver mankind. Go and tell the people to serve me’’.
When he woke up, Prophet Bushiri says, he began hearing a great voice telling him names of people, their problems, and instructions where to go and find them.
That was the starting of his prophetic ministry, which many have come to know and benefit from all over the world.
Born and bred in Malawi, Prophet Bushiri was brought up in a Christian home and is a son of Huxley and Christina Bushiri who hails from Zambia, in Ndeke, Kitwe to be exact.
His birth was mysterious and there were so many issues surrounding it such that after he was born, his mother called him Shepherd, acknowledging that the Lord is her Shepherd.
But growing up as a committed Christian boy was deemed outlandish by his peers at school.
In a matter of fact voice, Prophet Bushiri said, children of the 21st Century think praying and living a godly life is for old tired people.
His lifestyle which became a challenge to his class and school mates brought him ridicule.
But one day, God would prove all his critics wrong when a fellow pupil in the school fainted and was rushed to the hospital.