Proverbs & Sayings历史版本
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Proverbs & Sayings的历史版本
- 3.2(23)XAPKAPKs下载2022年08月22日10.5 MBAndroid 5.0+3.2版本更新
- 2.4(15)XAPKAPKs下载2021年05月02日9.4 MBAndroid 5.0+2.4版本更新
Quotes from the greatest sayings of human greats and leaders throughout our history. Judgment and proverbs include the addition of poems. In addition to the greatest of what leaders, philosophers and celebrities have said throughout history to this day. Includes the ability to turn sayings into a picture and share it via social media. Add a mini screen "Widget" service that shows you a new saying every day.
- 2.3(14)APK下载2021年04月23日9.6 MBAndroid 5.0+2.3版本更新
Quotes from the greatest sayings of human greats and leaders throughout our history. Judgment and proverbs include the addition of poems. In addition to the greatest of what leaders, philosophers and celebrities have said throughout history to this day. Includes the ability to turn sayings into a picture and share it via social media. Add a mini screen "Widget" service that shows you a new saying every day.
- 2.1(12)XAPKAPKs下载2021年03月05日9.5 MBAndroid 5.0+2.1版本更新
Quotes from the greatest sayings of human greats and leaders throughout our history. Judgment and proverbs include the addition of poems. In addition to the greatest of what leaders, philosophers and celebrities have said throughout history to this day. Includes the ability to turn sayings into a picture and share it via social media. Add a mini screen "Widget" service that shows you a new saying every day.
- 2.0(11)XAPKAPKs下载2021年02月18日9.2 MBAndroid 5.0+2.0版本更新
Quotes from the greatest sayings of human greats and leaders throughout our history. Judgment and proverbs include the addition of poems. In addition to the greatest of what leaders, philosophers and celebrities have said throughout history to this day. Includes the ability to turn sayings into a picture and share it via social media. Add a mini screen "Widget" service that shows you a new saying every day.
- 1.9(10)APK下载2020年11月23日9.2 MBAndroid 5.0+1.9版本更新
Quotes from the greatest sayings of human greats and leaders throughout our history. Judgment and proverbs include the addition of poems. In addition to the greatest of what leaders, philosophers and celebrities have said throughout history to this day. Includes the ability to turn sayings into a picture and share it via social media. Add a mini screen "Widget" service that shows you a new saying every day.
- 1.5(6)APK下载2020年05月19日8.5 MBAndroid 4.4+1.5版本更新
Quotes from the greatest sayings of human greats and leaders throughout our history. Judgment and proverbs include the addition of poems. In addition to the greatest of what leaders, philosophers and celebrities have said throughout history to this day. Includes the ability to turn sayings into a picture and share it via social media. Add a mini screen "Widget" service that shows you a new saying every day.
- 1.4(5)APK下载2020年02月25日8.4 MBAndroid 4.4+1.4版本更新
Quotes from the greatest sayings of human greats and leaders throughout our history. Judgment and proverbs include the addition of poems. In addition to the greatest of what leaders, philosophers and celebrities have said throughout history to this day. Includes the ability to turn sayings into a picture and share it via social media. Add a mini screen "Widget" service that shows you a new saying every day.
- 1.3(4)APK下载2020年02月06日7.5 MBAndroid 4.4+1.3版本更新
Quotes from the greatest sayings of human greats and leaders throughout our history. Judgment and proverbs include the addition of poems. In addition to the greatest of what leaders, philosophers and celebrities have said throughout history to this day. Includes the ability to turn sayings into a picture and share it via social media. Add a mini screen "Widget" service that shows you a new saying every day.
- 1.2(3)APK下载2020年01月24日8.0 MBAndroid 4.4+1.2版本更新
Quotes from the greatest sayings of human greats and leaders throughout our history. Judgment and proverbs include the addition of poems. In addition to the greatest of what leaders, philosophers and celebrities have said throughout history to this day. Includes the ability to turn sayings into a picture and share it via social media. Add a mini screen "Widget" service that shows you a new saying every day.
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