关于QHD Wallpapers and Backgrounds
QHD Wallpapers and Backgrounds delivered to you by Motion Apps for your screen! Each wallpaper is a real masterpiece selected by Motion Apps staff – just swipe to see more !
QHD Wallpapers and Backgrounds is updated with free beautiful wallpapers every day. Wallpapers in this application are of high definition quality (HD, QHD, 4K), the categories are selected in such a way they that offer the most popular themes of wallpapers including Nature, Animals, Aircraft, Art etc.
The app features :
- High Quality wallpapers with resolution 1920x1080 (QHD, 4k and UDH)
- Daily update The free app provides QHD wallpapers and backgrounds to make your screen feels unique and elegant
- Material UI provides simple user experience with google material theme user interface
- Set wallpapers in a few clicks
Improved User Experience
Bug Fixes for Marshmallow