关于QR Alarm Clock
您可以随时随地在自己的各种设备上畅享数百万最新的 Android 应用、游戏、音乐、电影、电视节目、图书、杂志等精彩内容。
This is the second step of what I plan to implement(Hint: These plans come from the comments, if you have idea's for what you'd like this app to do or how you'd like to interact with it, please do share =)
This app is an alarm clock with a catch. The only way to turn it off is to scan a specific QR Code. You can print the QR code and put it up somewhere in your house that is not next to your bed(Bathroom, Kitchen?). This way when your alarm goes off you will have to get out of bed to turn it off.
Perfect if you abuse the snooze button.
You can download the QR you need from this website:
You must have 'Barcode Scanner' installed to use this application.
Props to Havchr, he had this idea originally. I've just made it slightly more user friendly. http://www.havchr.net/
Email me if you'd like to see any additional features.
@mattanja there should be an "Email Developer" button in your market somewhere. If not I can be reacehd at:
* Bug fixes
* Long press the alarms in the main list to delete.
Future version plans:
* Add note to alarms
* set your own barcode key to turn it off
* de-uglify UI some.
* User select-able volume lvl
* improve repeat schedule.