关于Quantitative Aptitude
Quantitative Aptitude is an application
whrere all the basic formulas are at one place.
This application is useful for all the students
preparing for any compititive exams. This
application covers following topics:
1. Number System
2. HCF and LCM
3. Simplification
4. Algebra
5. Permutation/Combination
6. Probability
7. Average
8. Surds and Indices
9. Percentage
10. Profit and Loss
11. Ratio and Proportions
12. Time and Work
13. Pipes and Cysterns
14. Time and Distance
15. Problems on Trains
16. Boats and Stream
17. Simple/Compound Interest
18. Area and Volume
19. Partnership
* Simple
* All basic formulas at one place
* Attractive user interface
* easy to use
* Free application
* quantitative aptitude
* Bank exams
* compititive exams