关于Quiz Time
Quiz Time is a free game that entertains you as well as enlightens you. Make your free time more interesting and useful with this mobile game.
Join friends, and play with new people using this app. There are options to choose 2-players, 3 players, 4 players or play with multiple players.
There are five main quiz categories – G.K, Sports, history, Entertainment and Science you can choose from them as you wish, to play with any number of players you want to.
Each question has four options to choose the answer from. There is a time limit as well.
You can invite players to join your game.
In case you want to quit the current game, you have the option to leave as well.
You get to see the graphical representation of scores by all users and according to various levels of play.
There are leader boards where you can search for particular player and see their scores and rank as well.
Social media integration is there, allowing you to post victories and more to social media including Facebook.
It’s easy to register for this mobile game, once you download it, you can sign up with your mail id
For signing in, email id or your Facebook account can be used.