由美国、日本、台湾三地的创意团队所共同合作的美式休闲品牌REPUTATION于2005年创立,主理人以『想做出每个人都能接受,又都能像买到精品那样开心的品牌。 』
REPUTATION于2005年创立,持续的为街头服饰注入更多元的变化以及样貌。服饰多样性的REPUTATION,风格包含了军式风格、美式休闲、绅士简约、老美工作服等,其中更以牛仔系列最为人所津津乐道,每发售都造成话题,近年来更着重在牛仔服饰的发展上,成立了RPTN DENIM 的牛仔服饰系列。这个系列除了牛仔裤以外,也订制了相关的服饰原料以及皮革辅料,制作出一款又一款让人着迷的牛仔服饰。这也是之所以不管每个族群或消费阶层都会喜欢REPUTATION的原因。
近年来REPUTATION积极与各类型领域合作,陆续加入一些极具巧思的灵感与概念,将旗下产品以更多元化的方式去作呈现。近年来展现对于作工的要求,并且积极的开发旗下产品的订制布料,并将各部门产品分别制作与用不同的辅料去函盖,也让REPUTATION成为了作工质感与多元设计的品牌。主理人以『想做出每个人都能接受,又都能像买到精品那样开心的品牌。 』为原则在主导整个REPUTATION的体系。
REPUTATION founded in 2005, keep inject the changes of streetwear can bring a difference appearance. Apparel diversity REPUTATION, including the military-style, American casual,gentleman reduction,and old America overalls, which is more to jeans are best known, often offering all contribute to the topic.Recently, more emphasis on the development of the jeans and the establishment of RPTN DENIM denim clothing line. In addition to this series except jeans, also ordered the relevant raw materials and leather clothing accessories to make a fascinating and a cowboy costumes,this is also the reason why regardless of every ethnic group or consumer groups will like REPUTATION.
Recently,REPUTATION actively with various types of cooperation, gradually adding some great ingenuity, inspiration and concept, its products to a wider range of ways to make rendering,and demonstrate the requirements for workmanship, actively developing its products custom fabrics,The products are made of various departments and covers a variety of accessories, let REPUTATION become laborers texture and diverse design of the brand.
The main reason people dominate the REPUTATION system to "want to make everyone can accept, but also can be as happy as I buy boutique brands.''As a principle.
1. 動線瀏覽使用性提升
2. 增進穩定性
3. 介面顯示優化調整