关于Rakesh Yadav Reasoning Class Notes in Hindi
Rakesh Yadav Class Notes of Reasoning in Hindi Offline Android App
Class Notes of Reasoning (Hindi Medium) by Rakesh Yadav.This book by Rakesh Yadav is useful for SSC CGL, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, IBPS PO, IBPS SO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, SBI SO.
Rakesh Yadav Reasoning notes in Hindi Chapter Details:
★ Missing Number (लुप्त संख्या)
★ Repeated Series (श्रंखला पुनरावर्ती)
★ Analogy (सद्र्श्यता)
★ Venn-Diagram (वेन आरेख)
★ Blood-Relation (रक्त – सम्बन्ध)
★ Logical Arrangement of Words
★ Coding Decoding (सांकेतिक भाषा)
★ Sitting Arrangement (बैठक वयवस्थाक्रम)
★ Ranking Arrangement (पद वयवस्थाक्रम)
★ Dice (पंसा)
★ Cubes and Cuboid (घन और घनाभ)
★ Calendar (कैलंडर)
★ Number Series (श्रंखला श्रेणी)
★ Coded Equation (सांकेतिक समीकरण)
★ Direction Test (दिशा परिक्षण)
★ Clock (घडी)
★ Counting Of Figures (आकृतियों की गढ़ना)
★ Problems Based on Alphabet (वर्णमाला पर आधारित समस्याए)
★ Sequence-test (क्रम्बधुती)
★ Syllogism (Statement and Conclusion (न्याय निगम)
★ Mirror Image (दर्पण प्रतिबिम्ब)
★ Water Image (जल प्रतिबिम्ब)
1. Analogy
2. Classification
3. Series completion
4. Coding — Decoding
5. Blood Relations
6. Puzzle Test
7. Sequential Output Tracing
8. Direction Sense Test
9. Logical Venn diagrams
10. Alphabet Test
11. Number, Ranking & Time Sequence Test
12. Mathematical Operations
13. Logical Sequence of Words
14. Arithmetical Reasoning
15. Inserting the Missing Character
16. Data Sufficiency
17. Decision Making
18. Assertion and Reason
19. Situation Reaction Test
20. Verification of Truth of the Statement
1. Logic
2. Statement - Arguments
3. Statement - Assumptions
4. Statement - Courses of Action
5. Statement - Conclusions
6. Deriving Conclusions from passages
7 Theme Detection
8 Question - Statements
1. Series
2. Analogy
3. Classification
4. Analytical Reasoning
5. Mirror Images
6. Water Images
7. Embedded Figures
8. Completion of Incomplete Pattern
9. Figure Matrix
10. Paper Folding
11. Paper Cutting
12. Grouping of Identical Figures
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Rakesh Yadav Reasoning Book, Rakesh Yadv Reasoning Hand Written Notes, RY Reasoning Notes in Hindi, Rakesh Yadav Android App