关于Cpu cooler- Ram Booster
CPU cooler and Ram Booster is a professional cooling master and free cleaner app.
It detect and closes applications that are overheating your phone and
monitor cpu temperature by reducing cpu usage. It has 2 different features.
It can monitor and control the heat of phone and also its super cleaner ram booster
clean cache on finger tips.
By using this ram cleaner and cooling master widget you can cool down
your device and extend battery time . The super cleaner work in perfect manner to stop applications running
in background to optimize and increase speed of your device. This ram booster app
is totally free. Cpu cooler for android is great app to enhance battery life.
It is the perfect super cooler, and battery saver that all you need for temperature
monitoring , controlling. Phone cooler actually detects & closes
heavy resource consuming apps to reduce and cool down the phone temperature in real time.
The multitasking ease comfort cpu, without having to worry about
device heat and cooling functions with device cooler.
Cool down your device and optimize its speed with ram booster app. Cpu heat controller behave as the
perfect Clean Master for cpu and battery. Enhance overall performance of your device with this speed booster app.
Super fast Cpu cooler cool down your phone and keep your performance optimum with smart device cooler master.
Highlights of CPU cooler Ram Booster
Smart RAM Booster: small widget to adaptively boost RAM from anywhere
Fast cache cleaner: super fast app need one click to clean cache
Quick SD Card cleaner: efficiently scan and clean junk created by million apps
Advanced application manager: optimize your devices by hibernate, disable, auto-start apps
App Manager:
Ram booster app provides new feature of app manager.In this feature you can delete .
And Ram booster also tells how much memory individual app takes.So it reduce your time to go memory settings and do your stuffs.
Key Features Of Cpu Cooler- Ram Booster:
1. Monitor CPU Temperature
It will check CPU temperature and reduce CPU usage to cool down your device.
2. Detect Overheating Application:
Ram cleaner and device cooler detect and find the solution for overheating
3. One Tap to Cool down your device:
Just one tap to close overheating applications to reduce CPU usage.
4. Boost Mobile:
One tap on clean will increase your device speed by closing background
running applications and optimize your phone memory.
5. Battery Saver:
CPU cooler and ram booster help you save and extend battery timing. Cool master will
analyze and kill background processes.
6 Junk File Cleaner
Analyze all of your apps, detect junk including cache, residual files, temp files.
Clean cache junk with one tap, free up space and boost phone speed. Super Cleaner is clean master.
?Phone Booster
Clean background tasks, free up phone memory.
Download cpu cooler and ram booster to cool down you device and give us feedback.