关于Random Slideshow for Kustom
Slideshow that shows an unlimited amount of pictures from a folder on your phone. The pictures are shown randomly, every second, minute, hour or day and change when you tap them. Shape, size, colorfilter, dim and blur are all adjustable in the settings of the komponent.
1 Make a folder in the root of your phone (thats where you find the Kustom folder as well)
2 Put the pictures you want shown in this folder and name them 1,2,3 and so on. Make sure they all have the same extension ( png, jpg or jpeg)
3 Put the name of the folder in the settings of the komponent and fill in the amount of pictures you want to use.
4.Set "every" to the time you want the pictures to change.
5 Adjust shape, size etc save and you are done!
****For non commercial use only****