Ration Card Online Services
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Ration Card Online Services
Ration Cards issued by FCS and food departments in one app Both APL and BPL Ration Card list including NFSA PDS ration card.
This Ration Card Online Services App helps you to apply Ration Card online in India.
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States Covered-
- Andhra Pradesh (आंध्र प्रदेश)
- Assam (असम)
- Bihar (बिहार)
- Chhattisgarh (छत्तीसगढ़)
- Delhi (दिल्ली)
- Goa (गोवा)
- Haryana (हरियाणा)
- Jammu & kashmir (जम्मू और कश्मीर)
- Jharkhand (झारखंड)
- Karnataka (कर्नाटक)
- Maharashtra (महाराष्ट्र)
- Odisha (उड़ीसा)
- Punjab (पंजाब)
- Rajasthan (राजस्थान)
- Uttar Pradesh (उत्तर प्रदेश)
- West Bengal (पश्चिम बंगाल)
Ration Card Status application helps you to check your ration card status by state wise. This app allows you to online search of details in ration card across multiple states. You may search for details via, State, District, Sub-district, Village level and even in fair price shops level.
They are an important subsistence tool for the poor, providing proof of identity and a connection with government databases. India's public distribution system (PDS) is based on the ration card, which it uses to establish identity, eligibility, and entitlement. Ration cards are voluntary in India; they are needed to obtain subsidized food and fuel. Eligibility for the Antyodaya, BPL and APL ration cards are based on the economic status of the family.
App Features -
1. Search your name in the PDS Ration Card Holders list
2. Complete list with names of Ration Card Holders in Uttar Pradesh
3. Search and download NFSA Ration cards issued by FCS Uttar Pradesh
4. Register your Mobile Number for SMS Service
5. All other PDS services
They are an important subsistence tool for the poor, providing proof of identity and a connection with government databases. India's public distribution system (PDS) is based on the ration card, which it uses to establish identity, eligibility, and entitlement.
Ration cards are voluntary in India; they are needed to obtain subsidized food and fuel. Eligibility for the Antyodaya, BPL and APL ration cards are based on the economic status of the family.
This app have all states ration card data access option.
Use this app and have a all in one solution with our app.
Note:--Please note that this is not a official app or site of govt of india or any states.You can visit directly from respective states websites or Govt official website for the same..
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