- In app content update integrated
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 RBR SmartAlarm 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 RBR SmartAlarm 所有旧版本。下载 RBR SmartAlarm 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
- In app content update integrated
Distributor specific login limitation
HD cam record share function fix
Disabling user self-invitation
German Languge support
Push preferences, active alarm timeline translation
Removing active alarm PIR camera still picture play button
Fixing HD camera toast message
Disabling rotatable screen
After error with smart plug there can be 2 icons on the tile
The history page filter’s drop-down menu’s arrow does not appear
Every device have preset menu
Connection problem tile can't move in arrangement mode
Door lock based presets
Neighbor contact type handling
Alarm system changed push is empty
There is no push about alarm if active alarm updated push is disabled
Less critical error icon
Translations and design fixes
Recording word is not showing correctly while recording.
Pin input helper text is still in English
Open and Lock buttons on ZWave Doorlock tile are aligned to left in smaller screen
The login component is bigger when there is an error message
Off label moved to the middle of the circle on the smart plug tile
the time of the last changing is sticks out of the tile header in smaller screen
Media text hanging out in Italian language on low screen size
Both smart plug power icon appears
Events are missing from history after failed media creation
Communication problem after arm/disarm
Live stream stop
Tile Movement
Smartplug tile switches off automatically
After the stream is paused the timestamp does not refresh and it can cause the recording to stop
Keyboard still visible when it should not be there.
Preset doesn't work if one of the previous presets fail
Integration of Essence to the AmSmart cloud
Both smart plug power icon appears
Websocket connection could not estabilished in HA
No tiles label above the tiles on the dashboard
Increase event history size in apps
"Check your internet connection" comes up when the AmSmart app is in the background
Family memeber arming event shows as the Owner did
Temperature display in the APP
All three state of Arm/Disarm tile can be checked in the same time
Disable profile data change
User can remove media
Completely remove connection status messages
Arming tile fixed on the top of the dashboard
Play button stuck on PIR camera video
Preset doesn't work with more than one smart plug fixed
Remove the Permission selector from the Contact invitation dialog
Panel connection problem notification turned off
Can not disable media created push
*Limit communication in GSM
*Notify users if communication is limited via GSM
*Notify the user about communication channel changing
*ID Lock integration with base functionallity
*Improved live stream user experience
*Split my profile buttons
*Added Preset functionallity
*HD camera take a picture preset
*Arm/disarm tile stuck on inprogress state
*Internal scroll in camera tiles in Norwegian language*
*Door lock error message doesn't translated
*Door lock tile refresh state
* Smart plug tile waits for feedback
* Arming state tile waits for feedback
* Improved Smart plug state change UX
* Improved Arming state tile UX
* Notify the user about the losing internet connection on his/her phone
* Blinking arming state icon
* Blinking smart plug icon
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