关于Readability Bookmarklet
来 Google Play 网购吧!购买内容之后,立刻就可以在您的 Android 手机或平板电脑上享用,摆脱一切同步烦恼。
Readability Bookmarklet could help you create a browser bookmarklet, which can trigger a script to makes reading on the Web more enjoyable.
Android browser does not allow to manually add bookmarklet, therefore I made this app to help you and me enjoy reading on the web.
Once you've installed this app, open the app and press "add bookmarklet" button, then open the normal browser to surf any site.
When you want to use readability function, open the newly added
readability bookmark from your browser's menu.
NEW: use new bookmark from readability.com , thanks Richard Greis.
You can use the app to remove the old bookmark then add a new one.
The script is based on opensource project
keywords: readability bookmarklet plugin extension
User of previous version need to remove then add this new bookmark.
update library
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