关于Real Call Blocker 2017
Call Blocker Blacklist 2017 block all incoming calls, certain types of calls, specific phone numbers or block calls you don't want.
If You are Busy,sleeping or attending meeting and someone call distrub you then you can get rid of them. You dont want to pick the incoming calls so you need not to worry about it .Switch off phone is not a solution your problem solution is to set caller to as blacklist add their number in call block blacklist simply using Calls Blacklist Blocker 2017. If you want to block all calls(Filter all calls), calls from unsaved contacts(Filter unknown calls), or block contacts from list then you can do this by using call blocker application. You can add numbers by simply click on button "Add Number".
>Easy to Use
> Block All Calls
> Block Call of specific number
> Block From List
> Check list of block numbers.