关于Return Of Vallalar
🪔 அருட்பெருஞ்ஜோதி 🪔 அருட்பெருஞ்ஜோதி 🪔
🪔 தனிப்பெரும்கருணை 🪔 அருட்பெருஞ்ஜோதி 🪔
During 30.1.1874 vallalar has given the following speech on Mettukupam near Vadalur, Tamilnadu. Before he locking the door he told following statement to the peoples over there "I won't be appearing for your eyes for 2.5 kadigai days after that creator Arutperumjothi will come and I will come along with our creator with the my own body". Recently sanmarga researchers has found out that 1 kadigai means 60 years so 2.5 kadigai means 150 years. When we add 150 years to 1874 the result is 2024. So vallalar and our creator Arutperumjothi expected date of arrival is 30.1.2024 12:00AM. During Their arrival it's believed that any one in this planet earth can see them with their eyes. so let's wait with the hope for their arrival 🙏🙏. Based on this calculation Return Of Vallalar countdown application has been developed.