关于Rhein-Ruhr-Marathon Duisburg
Run all around the world - and still virtually on the original track through Duisburg on one of the following distances:
• Marathon
• Half marathon
• 10 km
Count down to start your virtual race through the city. Throughout your race the app will link the actually run distance with the original track.
Using the Twin-Map feature you can switch between a map of your actual location and the corresponding location on the original track in Duisburg.
You can recall information on the achieved distance, pace, race time and estimated finish time on your smartphone. In addition, you get these and further information by enabling the audio feedback feature and push notifications.
Enjoy your finish line moment in the Duisburg Arena and share your success using the Selfie feature directly with your friends.
Additional features:
• LIVE Results overview
• LIVE Leaderboard
• Track your favorites throughout their run