关于RRB NTPC Reasoning Chapter Wise
RRB NTPC推理章明智包含重要问题
RRB NTPC Reasoning Chapter Wise App will help student to make their preparations more better because this app included with all the important questions from previous examinations of RRB NTPC. In this App the user will learn following topics with chapter wise.
अनुरूपता परीक्षण (Analogy Test)
वर्णानुक्रम एवं संख्या श्रंखला (Completion of number & alphabetical series)
कोडिंग एवं डिकोडिंग (Coding - Decoding)
गणितीय संक्रियांए (Mathematical Operations)
समानताएं एवं अन्तर (Similarities and Differences)
संबंन्ध परीक्षण (Relationships)
विश्लेष्णात्मक तर्कशक्ति
युक्ति वाक्य
जंबलिंग (Jumbling)
वेन आरेख (Venn Diagram)
पहेली (Puzzle)
आंकडा पर्याप्तता
This app will help users to practice with the new questions also. Every questions details available in this app so users not need to find anything about that questions. The App contains most important questions from all previous year NTPC Examinations.
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