关于Ruqyah Shariah Audio - MP3
Ruqya in Islam is recitation of the Qur’an, the use of authentic supplications and the seeking of refuge in Allah (SWT) using His Perfect Names and Attributes. All of these are means of treatment for a person suffering from ailments such as the Evil Eye, Envy, Jinn possession, Black Magic or other ailments such as fever, depression, cancer etc
Ruqyah Shariah MP3 App is an Islamic way to help Combat Jinn, Black Magic (Sihr), and The Evil Eye. Ruqya treatment against black magic, jinn possession and evil eye.
Ruqya Shar'iyyah
This is Ruqya that is free from any forms of shirk (associating partners with Allah) and revolves around recitation of the Qur’an, the use of authentic supplications and the seeking of assistance and refuge in Allaah (SWT) alone. Ruqya Shar'iyyah should meet 3 conditions as mentioned by the scholars, and it is from their consensus that the legalisation of Ruqya is achieved when the 3 conditions are met. They are:
It must be with the words of Allah (Qur’an), his names and his attributes.
It must be in the Arabic language or a language that is clearly understood by the people.
To believe that the Ruqya being done has no benefit by itself, but the benefits and cure are from Allaah alone.
For the text pls download app from the store
Manzil is a collection of Ayat and short Surahs from the Quran that are to be recited as a means of protection and antidote - Ruqya from Black Magic, Jinn,Witchcraft, Sihr, Sorcery and the Evil Eye. Al Ruqyah Al Shariah
In the tradition of Prophet Muhammad SAW, he was himself once targeted by sorcerers, but he annulled their effect through the recitation of the verses of the Quran. According to various traditions, different parts of the Quran are described to have a positive effect on an individual in terms of negating and preventing the effects of witchcraft, or for general well being and becoming a better practicing Muslim.