TSL Sambandh土木工程师申请
Sambandh facilitate a civil engineer for reference data like standard values /thumb rules, constants, tables, etc. during construction.
Sambandh enables resolution of day to day life civil engineering requirements which may resolve few issues and save time. The application will cover the following features:
Unit conversion (Not all conversions. Those normally used in day to day life like cubic meter to cubic feet, Hectre to acre or square meter, Ton/m2 to Kg/cm2 etc)
Material weights. (Construction materials like Brick, Plaster, Earth, Slag, Structural members, Aggregates, PCC etc)
Rebar adjustments. (Using rebar available at site corresponding to designs)
Discharge calculation and Section adequacy. (Checking section of drains)
SBC of soil from SPT “N”, CBR value and dynamic Core Penetration Resistance.
Flexible Pavement design. (Finding road sections)
Resource Calculator (Earthwork, Concrete)
Material Consumptions. (Like cement qty in plaster, brickworks, concrete etc)
Bug Fixes in the Material Constants Screen
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