关于Save The Aliens
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Aliens fall from the top of the screen. You have to place objects onto the screen to guide the aliens into the goal. The game uses a physics engine to model all of the objects and ensure they react to each other realistically.
Once the first 5 levels have been completed, a level editor becomes available so you can create your own levels.
Tested on 7 inch, 10 inch tablets (it works really well on a tablet), plus large and medium sized phones (still great). Tested on Jelly Bean, ICS, Gingerbread and Froyo devices.
Stockley Software
New Level
Version 1.0.17
Additional graphical flourishes.
Fixed bug whereby editor would sometimes be enabled even if the player has not completed level 5
Version 1.0.16
Moved Rosette in-game so it does not obscure the continue button.
Back button works as expected on the title screen.
Version 1.0.15
First release. Very much a beta version. Please let me know how it works on your device.