关于SD Card Monitor
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A small application to monitor how many times the SD card has been mounted, unmounted, badly removed, removed or ejected from the phone.
This app will help you know if the card is defective or not, as sometimes bad SD cards are unmounted/mounted in the background and you are unaware of it, which is causing the "Media" process to scan the card every time the card is mounted, hence consuming the battery significantly.
If by any chance you saw this notification: "sd card removed unexpectedly", I recommend to install this app and monitor how many times it has been mounted/remounted in the background.
Also if you noticed the "Media" process is eating your battery, give it a try too.
Please note that everytime the you restart yout phone, you will see 1 unmount and 1 eject in the counts and in the logs, so this is a normal Android behavior and NOT a bad SD card.
- Added support for Android 2.1
- A bug fix which causes FC when restarting the phone.
- Adding the logs capability, to log exactly when the mounting/unmounting occurs and in which path.