SeQR scan
关于SeQR scan
SeQR scan is a QR scanner which can be used for broad range of applications in real-time. It can read tailor made QR codes. It uses combination of various security algorithms to create a QR code so that your data will be safe and secured.
About us : The company was created as In house ERP development, as we have been tired from big banner ERP solution providers
The use of ERP was like owning the car, and still pay for every ride. Hence this encouraged us to create user friendly, affordable ERP. We have good system to know work in progress, customer portal, order booking and purchases.
Our upcoming product is Mobile base ERP, where one user / single vendor company also can have their purchase, sales and inventory.
We would be the best, economical and user friendly for accounting and ERP software. The company wishes to cater single owners and SME. Also wishes to provide management solutions to improve on revenue leakage by way of Lean systems.
The other upcoming area of solution is education Where company is having solutions like result processing, online verification and E-library Banking is also very prominent area.
SCUBE have CPS , Account opening and KYC utility for banks.
Further company have achieved good success in Africa, for visa on arrival and land taxation systems.
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Get in touch : [email protected]
2.Device type Login and Logout Details (Date n time) is Stored at Server Side.
SeQR scan历史版本
SeQR scan
SeQR scan