Shake Vigorously Staggering
关于Shake Vigorously Staggering
网络上最有名的蠕虫 大力摇动惊人的美丽
This application is designed to remove stress and have a good time with friends or family relaxing with all the colors and sound effects that the dancing crazy worm does not give when vigorously shaking the dancing crazy worm now also on your cell phone so that you can take it everywhere.
The meaning of color:
Yellow: optimism, clarity, warmth.
Orange: friendly, social, security.
Red: daring, exciting, young.
Violet: creativity, imaginative, wise.
Blue: useful, strength, faithful.
Green: peace, health, growth.
White: balance, calm, neutral.
We must also take into account the treatment of color, which instantly and involuntarily causes an emotional and subjective reaction in the mobile user.
Favorite colors and personality.
Statistically common traits have been found between people's favorite colors and their personality. This association between colors and personalities has nothing to do with magic, astrology and disciplines that do not base their assertions on scientific demonstrations. Numerous facultative studies have determined common characteristics between the followers of a color.
The environment influences the mood of people, and knowing the meaning of colors allows us to control part of this environment.
Most of the meanings of colors are defined by the existing cultural relationship with our connection with nature. The meanings of colors are largely a reflection of how our ancestors viewed the world. Although each color has a common meaning for all, it is true that today's society, as well as the personal experiences of each individual "modify" significantly the perception of the meaning of each color.
Of course, this is only applicable to a large group of personalized people, one should not fall into the application, the experiences of each human being modify perception and meaning.
(WARNING, Shake Vigorously Staggering Beauty and THIS VIDEO CONTAINS FLASHING IMAGES)