关于Shape of Blangkon Art
Various Forms of Blangkon
Blangkon is a headgear made from batik and used by men as part of traditional Javanese clothing. According to its form, blangkon is divided into 4: Ngayogyakarta blangkon, Surakarta blangkon, Kedu blangkon, and Banyumasan blangkon. [1] For some types of blangkon there are using bulges on the back of the blangkon. This bulge marks the hairstyle of men of that era who often tied their long hair at the back of the head, so that the part popped up at the back of the blangkon.
The term Blangkon comes from the word blank, a term used by the Javanese people to say something that is ready to use. Formerly the blangkon was not round and ready to use, but the same as other headbands namely through a fairly complex binding process. Over time, there was an innovation to make a ready-made headband which was later dubbed as a blangkon [2].
Blangkon is actually a practical form of etiquette which is a headgear made from batik and used by men as part of traditional Javanese clothing. For some types of blangkon there are those who use protrusions on the back of the blangkon called mondholan. This Mondholan marks the hairstyle of men of that era who often tied their long hair at the back of the head, so that the part popped up at the back of the blangkon. The hair wrap must be tight so it doesn't come off easily.
Now the twist of the long hair that has become mondholan has been modified because most people now have short hair by making mondholans that are sewn directly on the back of the blangkon. Blangkon Surakarta, the mondholannya trepes or flat are while the Yogyakarta mondholan style is round shaped like dumplings.
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