关于Shubham Education
Now parents have authority to get all the meaningful information related to student and classes. 'Shubham education' app present all data in graphical format so parents can get more information quickly. Our app contains exam reports, attendance report, homework report etc. We are creating smart application for the parents, student and institutes for their academic support. The application is use full for the parents to see the result and what is the attendance report of their child online and it is also useful for student to see what they have homework from their teachers. The application is mostly useful for the institute to show their students data to their parents such as exam reports, attendance report in the graphical format so that parents can understand very easily.
'Shubham education' app contain Profile section, Exam result of student, Attendance of student and it also show the homework.
In the profile section it contain all the data of the student such that profile picture of student, full name, father’s name, mother’s name, parents phone number, date of birth, full address and the name of school in which student is currently study.
In the Exam result section it shows all the result of the exam throughout the year. Parents can see how much their child had get rank in the whole class with percentage they had get. Application shows all the details of the exam with exam date, total marks, obtained marks and highest marks of that subject in the class.
The application shows you the notification in such a situation if your child is absent in class and if the homework is uncompleted and if the result is announced then it will notify you that your child’s result is declared and what is the rank of your child in the class. The app shows you total batch that had conducted in the month and it also shows you how many days your child had attended the class and how many day your child is absent in the class.
Address - (Branch : 1)
385, Hastinapur soc., Punagam, Surat - 395010
Contact No : +918487981858
Address - (Branch : 2)
385, Satyanarayan soc., Punagam, Surat - 395010
Contact No : +919033817753
Developed By : AmyleSoft IT Solutions
329, Apple square,Nr. Swastik plaza, Yogi Chowk , Nana Varachha
Surat, Gujarat 395010
Contact no : +917567676230