关于Shvetdhara - Dairy & Sweets Products
Now get your daily essentials delivered at your door every morning along with your milk and sweets. You can order and even subscribe for your daily needs like milk, curd, butter, ghee, etc and have them delivered fresh at your doorstep every morning and evening.
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* Convenient Online Payment or Cash collection.
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* In-app Support: Help is just a click away.
Shvetdhara is all gearing up in India to be the best online portal for the purest form of dairy items online. They want to be the producer of the best quality product and with the purest form with no addition of any chemicals. This online portal offers you quality with no time. They believe in less time consumption when comes to customer satisfaction so they promise to deliver the product as fast as they are ordered online.
12 June 2002, the firm name “KAMBOJ DAIRY” was established, this was the only firm who sold retailed products of dairy and this initiative played a significant role which inspired and empowered Mr Kambojto to start his product plant. Later in 2009, they set up their own first Paneer Plant which proved to be a great success which expanded the firm to launch its own Dairy Product Plant in 2013. This plant infused employment and growth in the private sector. After ample time, Mr Sandeep realizes that the quality of milk in the city is degrading with time. So he catered milk to the city by instigating a new project called “ Shvetdhara Dairy Food PVT ltd’. “Shvet” is inspired by the name “Shvet Kranti” which comes from a freedom movement started by Mr Verghese Kurien. Shvet basically means purity in its best form. Whereas, Dhara is the stream, the positive stream needed to flourish in the market.
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