Sikh Helpline
2.3.3 and up
Android OS
关于Sikh Helpline
With the eternal blessings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Sikh Helpline, has over 20 years developed itself to be the primary point of contact for members of the Sikh community in dealing with a range of issues. We are a registered charity and have branches across the UK, including Birmingham, Leicester, London and Bradford.
The Sikh Helpline (SHL) is a registered charity and works independently according to its own policies and mission statement. The helpline offers a free and confidential helpline service to those in need, regardless of whether the caller is of a Sikh background or not. Our service is one of listening and has developed expertise in dealing with cases covering, among many others:
Domestic abuse (sexual, physical or emotional)
Child abuse (sexual, physical or emotional)
Kakaar issues at school
Relationship issues
Substance abuse (including drugs and alcohol)
Depression and mental health issues.
SHL receives many calls from women and children who are suffering from domestic violence and abuse.