关于Simple Weather Forecast
Simple Weather Forecast gives you a 14-day forecast based on your current location. This application is extremely light, fast, free and without any ads.
It doesn't collect any personal information.
→ Approximate location: Simple Weather Forecast uses your approximate location to give you a relevant forecast.
→ Network access and connections: Simple Weather Forecast uses the network only to get the forecast from openweathermap, and that's it.
→ Google Play billing service : This is only to offer the possibility of making donations to support our open-source developments.
See for yourself!
Simple Weather Forecast is an open source application, it can't hide anything from you! You can explore its functionning at the following link https://github.com/tvbarthel/SimpleWeatherForecast
Developed by two students, this free and open-sourced application is distributed "as is", without any pretention.
[1.2.0] Everything you asked for, still free and open-source!
New feature : a colourful widget!
The navigation bar and the status bar are now translucent for the 4.4 devices.
The accuracy of the localisation has been improved.
Some minor bugs have been fixed.