关于Siti Nurhaliza Mp3 Offline Full Songs Album
Collection of old songs and new songs siti nurhalizah mp3 album full offline
Collection of old songs and new songs siti nurhalizah mp3 album full offline.
Dato' Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin is a Malaysian singer, In her career, she has recorded and sung in multiple languages, including Malaysian, Javanese, English, Mandarin, Arabic, Urdu, and Japanese.
The following is a list of siti nurhaliza song collections contained in this app : air mata syawal, aku cinta padamu, anugerah aidilfitri, azimat cinta, badarsila, bagaikan sakti, beradu di khayalan, berpantang, betapa kucinta padamu, biarlah rahsia, bicara manis menghiris kalbu,bila hari raya menjelma, bisikan asmara hati, bukan cinta biasa, bunga melor, cindai, debaran cinta, demi kasih sayang, di batas masa, di sini ku berjanji, engkau bagaikan permata, english song (the colour of my love), es lilin, full album, gelora kasih asmara, gema takbir, hari kemenangan, indah percintaan, jaga dia untukku, jalinan cinta, janji kasih, jerat percintaan, joget senyum memikat, kau ku sayang, kau takdirku, kesilapanku keegoanmu, kita kan bersama, ku yakini, kurik kundi, laguku di hatimu, lakaran kehidupan, meriah suasana nikmat hari raya, milikmu selamanya, nazam lebaran, nirmala, panas berteduh gelap bersuluh, patah hati, purnama merindu, rindu diantara kita, sati cinta dua jiwa, segala perasaan, selepas berpantang, sendiri, sesuci lebaran, siti nurhalizah dan khai bahar cinta syurga, siti nurhalizah feat judika kisah ku inginkan, siti nurhalizah feat cakra khan seluruh cinta, suara takbir, syair kamelia, tak rela berpisah darimu, tanpamu, tirai semalam, untuk terakhir kali selamanya, usah diragui, wajah kekasih, ya maulai, yue liang dai biao wo de xin, zapin, 99 nama allah (asmaul husna), airmata ibu.
Features :
- Clean Voice or Clean Audio
- Beautiful design and user friendly interface
- Real Offline Without internet connection or streaming
- Play and Pause easily
- Autoplay next song
- Play in background ( you can still listening when phone was locked or open another application)
- Shuffle song or Track (play random song)
- Repeat song or track (repeat once, repeat all, (repeat the song over and over again as you want it or repeat it all automatically))
- Share to media social, like as Whatsapp, twitter, facebook, instagram, sms, shareit, etc
- Set As Ringtone, Notification Sound, and Alarm
- Light, Not too much memory consumption
- The copyright of all songs in this app is owned by the creator, musician and music label in question. If you are the copyright holder of this song and do not wish your song to be displayed please contact us via email developer and let us know about your ownership status of the song. We will delete the song right away.
- Audio has been compressed, therefore audio sound quality is not as good as if you bought the original CD & DVD
- Buy CDs & DVDs Originally to support your favorite artist!