Resolved an issue that was causing blank screens and preventing pages from loading and updated page layouts for a smoother browsing experience.
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Skullcandy 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Skullcandy 所有旧版本。下载 Skullcandy 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
Resolved an issue that was causing blank screens and preventing pages from loading and updated page layouts for a smoother browsing experience.
Additional Crusher Evo connection updates and minor bug fixes.
Current Compatible Products Include:
- Crusher ANC
- Crusher Evo
- Dime Evo
- Dime XT 2
- Icon ANC
- Indy ANC
- Indy Evo
- Indy Fuel
- Mod
- Push ANC Active
- Push Ultra
- Riff Wireless 2
- Sesh ANC
- Sesh ANC Active
- SLYR Pro Wireless
**If you do not have any of the above products, this app will not work for you.
Product support for new Icon ANC headphones. And connection improvements for Crusher Evo.
Current Compatible Products Include:
- Crusher ANC
- Crusher Evo
- Dime Evo
- Dime XT 2
- Icon ANC
- Indy ANC
- Indy Evo
- Indy Fuel
- Mod
- Push ANC Active
- Push Ultra
- Riff Wireless 2
- Sesh ANC
- Sesh ANC Active
- SLYR Pro Wireless
**If you do not have any of the above products, this app will not work for you.
- Removal of Android 12+ bug requiring Location services
- Additional connection process improvements
- Optimizations to screen layouts for multiple screen sizes
- Personal Sound test fixes
- Identification of Skull-iQ compatible products and redirect to correct app
Current app-compatible products are:
- Crusher ANC
- Crusher Evo
- Dime Evo
- Dime XT 2
- Indy ANC
- Indy Evo
- Indy Fuel
- Mod
- Push ANC Active
- Push Ultra
- Riff Wireless 2
- Sesh ANC
- Sesh ANC Active
- SLYR Pro Wireless
Improved connection process.
Launch of Dime Evo true wireless earbuds.
Major connection issue fixes for Indy earbud family.
Current Compatible Products Include:
- Crusher ANC
- Crusher Evo
- Dime Evo
- Dime XT 2
- Indy ANC
- Indy Evo
- Indy Fuel
- Mod
- Push ANC Active
- Push Ultra
- Riff Wireless 2
- Sesh ANC
- Sesh ANC Active
- SLYR Pro Wireless
If you do not have any of the above products, this app will not work for you.
Improving our connection process between the mobile app and our products. Adding in support for Sesh ANC Active and Push ANC Active.
Current Compatible Products Include:
- Indy Fuel
- Indy Evo
- Indy ANC
- Sesh ANC
- Mod
- Crusher ANC
- Crusher Evo
- Riff Wireless 2
- Push Ultra
- SLYR Pro Wireless
- Sesh ANC Active
- Push ANC Active
If you do not have any of the above products, this app will not work for you.
Improving our connection process between the mobile app and our products. Adding in support for new available products.
Current Compatible Products Include:
- Indy Fuel
- Indy Evo
- Indy ANC
- Sesh ANC
- Mod
- Crusher ANC
- Crusher Evo
- Riff Wireless 2
- Push Ultra
- SLYR Pro Wireless
If you do not have any of the above products, this app will not work for you.
Correction to Push Notification request on Android operating systems 12 and lower. Improvements to Crusher Evo and Crusher ANC connectivity.
Current Compatible Products Include:
- Indy Fuel
- Indy Evo
- Indy ANC
- Sesh ANC
- Mod
- Crusher ANC
- Crusher Evo
- Riff Wireless 2
- Push Ultra
If you do not have any of the above products, this app will not work for you.
Crusher Evo and Crusher ANC connectivity improvements
Current Compatible Products Include:
- Indy Fuel
- Indy Evo
- Indy ANC
- Sesh ANC
- Mod
- Crusher ANC
- Crusher Evo
- Riff Wireless 2
- Push Ultra
If you do not have any of the above products, this app will not work for you.
Changed product support for Grind, Grind Fuel and Push Active earbuds to the brand-new Skull-iQ® App; users are directed to the new app.
Optimizations to product connection flows.
Current Compatible Products Include:
- Indy Fuel
- Indy Evo
- Indy ANC
- Sesh ANC
- Mod
- Crusher ANC
- Crusher Evo
- Riff Wireless 2
- Push Ultra
If you do not have any of the above products, this app will not work for you.
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