关于Skyrocket Charger Test
停止浪费电池。你需要这个应用程序为您的三星Galaxy S II狂飙
This app is designed specifically for the AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket. It should also work for the first Samsung Galaxy Note.
To activate the app, simply install and run it. There is no user interface that will open when you run the app, it only provides a background process. You will see a notification appear when you plug in a charger.
The AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket and first Samsung Galaxy Note (and possibly other Samsung devices) suffer from a hardware defect that can negatively affect your battery life.
Some USB chargers cause a "wakelock" on your phone that prevents it from going into deep sleep. This results in roughly 10% per hour battery loss, regardless of whether you use the phone at all. Before you try anything else, you should test each of your chargers and make sure they are not causing a wakelock.
The goal of this app is to identify whether your charger causes a wakelock. The app will also tell you how fast the charger is at charging your device. After launching it, the app will run in the background and notify you of your charger type and current any time you plug in a charger. You will get a special notification if your charger will cause a wakelock.
Please provide feedback for the app in this XDA thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1801608
You can find more information about Samsung Skyrocket battery life in this XDA thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1759541
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