关于Slick Slime Sam - Comedy, DIY Videos
Slick Slime Sam西班牙语最佳喜剧,生活技巧,娱乐视频。
Slime Sam is a great chef! He knows how to make a pizza with candy and all the other fun yummy recipes. The only thing he doesn't know is how to make pizza at home WITH REAL SEA MONSTERS! Well, seafood, but it's the same thing, really.
Sue bets Sam that she can make the best seafood pizza and while she's at it Sam is trying to overcome his fears... Watch the video till the end to see Sam and Sue discussing YOUR comments from the previous episode SODA CAN ROBOT vs. SLIME SAM
This is the official channel of the funniest Slime on the planet in Spanish! With him and his "human" Su, you will be doing mischief, cooking incredible things or solving important issues, you will never be bored.
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Super Slime DIY Videos App is completely a third-party app, Not any official app. This app is made Just for FUN, by the fan of Super Slick Slime Sam.
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-slick slime videos etc.
Content like Articles, Pictures,Videos in this application were collected from all over the web,
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