Free Speed Booster for your Android Phone.
Smart Cleaner is the all-in-one speed booster app that optimizes your background apps, memory space, junk(cache) files and battery power.
►Junk File Cleaner
Delete useless Android system files, large files and app caches for an instant speed boost to your Android performance, while freeing up storage space with a single tap.
►Memory Boost
Free up memory (RAM) and boost your mobile phone. Our One Tap Clean feature reclaims memory allowing you to open apps without delay!
►Power Saver
Intelligently saves your device’s power by knowing when to automatically trigger Smart Cleaner’s Clean feature, which saves you all the battery power you need, when you need it the most.
Privacy & App Lock – Prevent data on the device such as apps, SMS, photo albums, and other important and private documents from falling into the wrong hands.