关于SmartRemote for BenQ Projector
Brilliant Fun in Your Hand
Pair your mobile device with your projector via Bluetooth to unlock more comprehensive and convenient applications. With this APP, you don't need to worry about not having a physical projector remote control. You can easily operate through the intuitive and user-friendly interface of this APP. Besides effortlessly handling daily basic functions of the projector (such as adjusting volume, moving the directional keys, focusing, etc.), you can also use advanced features like hotkeys for streaming services, text input, and a touchpad, making the usage smarter and more convenient.
When using this APP, you can choose to log into your personal account to quickly connect with BenQ's professional customer service team for quick resolution of any issues you encounter while using the projector. You will also receive personalized notifications and the latest product information from BenQ.
In the near future, BenQ's SmartRemote for BenQ Projector will continue to roll out new application features paired with the projector, ensuring that every day with your BenQ projector is filled with the convenience and warmth of a technological life. Additionally, this APP can seamlessly integrate with another APP developed by BenQ, BenQ Projector Assistant, to enrich your seamless projection experience and enhance our lives.