关于Sms & Contacts backup & restore
This is very simple and easy to use app that backup your sms & contacts. restore them on any device you want.
"SMS backup and restore" , "Contacts backup and restore" , "SMS export to excel" ,
"Contacts export to excel" , "Sms & Contacts backup to google drive" all are valid words for this app.
For any problem or query email me at "[email protected]" with app name in subject.
This app has features described below
- Backs up sms (text) messages or contacts/people-list to XML file that is stored in internal storage of your device. A folder is created with same name as this application has. There is backup lies inside messages or contacts folder. A user can copy this XML file to anywhere he wants. All messages or contacts can be restored through that file to any android device user wants. It is user's responsibility to keep that file safe.
- Restore sms (text) messages or contacts in any android device user wants. For restoring purpose must use XML backup file created by this app only. This file should be there in internal storage of device inside folder name Backup sms contacts to google drive. This app reads contacts backup from contacts folder or messages backup from messages folder.
- Contacts to excel or sms messages to excel is also available in this app. When ever user wants to store his contacts or messages to excel file. So that it can keep this forever this is a very good option. It does not use CS V file format, it is proper Microsoft Excel Format file that is stores inside internal storage of device with folder name same as app name. Inside that folder there is folder named as Excel. Inside that excel folder there is excel file. You can copy that from there.
- Backup to google drive option is also available. For this purpose user must login to google account. User must create a sms or contacts backup first from backup messages or backup contacts option. When logged in it asks from user which backup you want to upload either it is contacts or messages. Which one user selects creates same folder i.e contacts or messages in google drive and upload this file to that folder of google drive.
- Restore backup from google drive is the option through which backup saved in google drive. For this purpose user must also login to drive. Download backup to restore from download backup option. And restore it from restore option. This option is best when you are about to change your device. Your backup is safe at google drive until or unless you delete it manually from there.
Note: This app does not store MMS. It created for SMS and contacts backup only. It works perfectly on KitKat (android 4.4) or later versions. Mainly tested on Marshmallow (android 6.0). Works very well on Lollipop (android 5.0 and 5.1). Minimum android version required is Android 4.0.3.
Works on mobiles and tablets only. No other device is supported.
During download or upload process you must keep this app opened. However you can close this app during restore process. It will keep running on back end.