关于SMS Reminder
Did you have an appointment scheduled with your dentist, which skipped your mind? Were you to attend a recent meeting at your child’s school? Did you have an extra practice in the morning of a football match which just got erased out of your mind? Do you need an application which would remind you of all the important meetings and appointments?
This often happens with we humans a lot. We often tend to forget appointments and miss out on important dates. Thanks to our ever busy life, we suppose to remember what is not to be forgotten, but our brain often smartly erases important dates and appointments, leaving us to loathe over our memory.
SMS reminder comes for your bail. This app plays the role of your personal reminder system SMS alert which would drop a notification on your mobile whenever an appointment or meeting is scheduled. In this era of smartphones, everything has a smart way solution. SMS reminder is your smart app buddy which would never let you loathe over your memory ever again.
Now you need not worry about forgetting birthdays and anniversaries. Is there a match today between your favourite teams and you are afraid you would forget it between all the work. Do not worry, leave it to SMS reminder. Save anniversaries, birthdays, meetings, important appointments, set reminders and plans in this app. Feed the information and forget it leisurely. SMS reminder will remind you sincerely by sending you SMS alert. This app will drop a notification on your smartphone screen on the date fed and poke you about the plan.
Do not miss any important date or text message, get SMS reminder to your smartphone and leave the rest of it to remind you exactly on the time and date set.
• Set as many reminders as you wish to.
• Feed date, time and enter the message that you are to be reminded
• Edit and delete reminders whenever you wish
• Get notified whenever there is a reminder.
In the age of the smartphone, choose the smart way to be updated. No more you need to carry a diary along to jot down on important days and appointments. No more you need to rely on anybody to remind you of important meetings. Set reminders and get notified the smart way. Build by a team of professional designers and developers, constantly working on getting you the best and enhancing the performance.
We would appreciate hearing from you, your opinions and feedback. Feel free to drop us an email and share your experience and queries.