关于Snapwire - Sell Your Photos
Snapwire is a platform that connects a new generation of photographers with brands and businesses around the world. Photographers get access to real-time, paid photo Requests and Challenges. Photographers can also sell photos directly from their own portfolios and in our growing stock photo Marketplace. Snapwire is your home for selling all your creative photography.
Authentic photography has been proven to boost engagement and increase conversions, so your best authentic photos are in high demand.
Start as an Explorer and submit your best photos to Snapwire Challenges. Level up to participate in paid buyer Requests. If your photo is nominated, you earn points and if its purchased you get paid quickly and fairly. Build your reputation by getting more points and level up. Levels give you access to other app features such as: the ability to be invited to Requests, direct commissions, and better exposure.
With Snapwire you can:
– Participate in Snapwire Challenges and earn award money
– Level up and get exclusive access to paid photo Requests from popular businesses and brands
– Submit photos from your gallery, camera, or cloud
– Build a beautiful portfolio and sell images directly from it
– Share your personal portfolio with friends, fans and clients
– Sell your best photos from our growing stock photography Marketplace
– Get real-time notifications about Requests
– Connect, communicate, and engage with photographers and creatives around the world
– Become part of this quickly growing community of talented photographers
– Get paid fairly with one of the highest market payouts when your photos are purchased
– Unlock features by earning points and level up
Looking for authentic photos to license? Register at http://snapwi.re as a buyer, and get on-demand creative imagery from a new generation of photographers.
Have feedback? We would love to hear from you at [email protected]
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/snapwire
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/getsnapwire
Find us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/snapwire
Please submit any bugs or feedback to [email protected]. We love to hear how we can improve your Snapwire experience.