来 Google Play 网购吧!购买内容之后,立刻就可以在您的 Android 手机或平板电脑上享用,摆脱一切同步烦恼。
Snippets is an unique and comprehensive environment that caters to all the basic programming needs of the user.
The App is designed by putting the user at its very core and planning an interface around him for efficient interaction.
We have made the application open source and also shared its code on GitHub.
This innovative application is easy to understand and use. Users can compile programs in as much as sixty languages.
We have provided generally used programs in few of the languages but users are provided features to write and compile their own code as well.
Snippets app is available to download on the Google Play Store as well as on its official website www.android.srocle.com.
Snippets not only allows you to write and compile your own code but you can also compare various algorithms in terms of time-space trade-off.
Moreover, users can login through Facebook and share their code with their friends as well.