关于Softex HR Portal
Softex Market Control Employee Self Service (ESS) system Mobile APP integrated with Corporate using Market Control ERP HR Modules. Such mobile app allows 2 ways communications between each employee and his management within the organization. A high level of functionality like this has a positive impact on your business and helps you get the best out of ERP functionality on both levels of human resources management and also on operation level. This mobile Apps helps your employees in multiple areas including but not limited to:
• Attendance Management
• View employee account's details
• Request Vacations, Permissions and Missions with a full access to these requests to
track its status
• View full Staff guide
• Check your Salary Data
Softex MC - Employee Self Service (ESS), tightly integrates with your Market Control - Payroll system and allows your employees to take care of certain tasks that would normally need to be completed by Human Resources personnel or management.
By putting some control back in the hands of your staff, Employee Self Service will help your organisation save many hours of labor time and increase efficiency and make your employees more happy and productive within your organization.
for more details about Market Control HR Systems , please refer to the link: https://www.softexsw.com/en/market-control-online.php