关于Solo Mid - Battle of Legends
No more words needed Hero Legends that millions of users all over the world are playing!
And now, the best quality arcade action fangame Solo Mid - Battle of Legends is just released!
This is a 100% free fangame for all users, and the only requirement is your fantastic technique.
How to play
- The boss makes use of various attacking patterns such as a close range attack as well as a long distance attack.
- After choosing a character, you can play total twelves stages.
- Much more powerful enemies emerge in Extra mode rather than Normal mode. Therefore, reinforcement and arming with items will be essentially needed.
- Once the game begins, the first battle against heaps of minions gets started.
- Beating off the boss, you will be rewarded with lots of coins.
-With the acquired coins, improve various items, health, defensive power, attack damage, resilience and such things.
- After the minions battle ends, a boss battle of each stage begins.
- Each stage has various champion boss leading the guard minions.
- During a game, you will find a variety of useful items such as a bomb, potion, and coin. Look carefully!
- According to your winning rate, you can choose Leesin, Khazix,Yasuo,Zed characters.
- How to use a bomb item? Pass it with your character, then the bomb will be lit and it will give damage to nearby enemies by automatically exploding after 5 seconds.
- Being on standby in place, a certain amount of health will recover. Make good use of it!
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