Enter a distance you have completed. Then, they select a time you have completed that distance.
After entering a distance you want to predict and a split distance you are interested in using, the splits and predicted finish time will be displayed. The timer icon in the top right will produce a timer with split information.
After recording the split times, they can be shared from the timing module through email, text, Facebook, etc...
The formula for calculating predicted finish times are based upon a combination of a models created by Dave Cameron and Pete Riegel. They provided two of the most accurate race time predictors across a range of performances.
Notes for good use:
1) If you want to create split times for a specific time and distance, enter the same distance for "Completed Distance" and "Predicted Distance" with the desired finish time.
2) The closer the "Completed Distance" and "Predicted Distance" are, the more accurate your prediction will be.
3) Enter a time that matches with your current ability. A personal record should not necessarily be the "Race Time" unless it matches with your current ability.
Split 1.0.9